The Shocking CONNECTION b/w Dragon Ball, The Monkey King & Squid Game – An Interview with Ankur Javeri (Hindi Voice of Goku)

Ankur Javeri sir has given his voice in 1000+ commercial TV ads, 5000+ promos, Many movies like Titanic ,Spiderman, and many amazing Animation series like Power Rangers, Teen Titans and DBZ. And yeah I am here with the official Hindi voice artist of Goku “Mr. Ankur Javeri sir”. And we will be discussing some amazing facts related to Dragon Ball.

Raja Shah : First of all you are most welcome on our channel. So there are a lot of people who know you, and many who don’t even know Because the voice field is such a field where we know the voice but do not know who is behind the voice. So, many of us know that you have given your voice to Goku. So I want you to introduce yourself a little that where you have given your voice and what jobs you worked on so far?

Ankur Javeri : If I tell about voicing, When I was 7 years old, I started voicing since then. I also been a child artist like little Arjun in Mahabharat. Also I worked in many films and serials of that time, Like childhood role of Govinda and Sanjay Dutta, these all were my acting assignments. Also I played lead role in a serial “Stone Boy”. And at the same time, commercial jingles were plenty in those days. So I used to sing Jingles.

And….. Voicing as a child artist was not much famous back then. So… I used to do voicing for other child actors. And this is how it started. And when I was in my teenage, I was not getting as much voicing assignments, So that was a gap in my career. And then, when the era of animation came here in India through Disney, A company “UTV” wanted it to start at a very large level And the most interesting thing is that A new segment ‘English to hindi’ started with the release of “Jurassic Park” film. This film was produced by ‘Sound Animations’, And since then till today the market of English to Hindi has become so big that, Many artists like me are engaged in it and…..

About me is that the “Power Rangers” series or Of course “Dragon Ball”, voice of Virat Kohli in advertisements, So…I think you must have heard about all these. So that’s what I’ve been doing for a lot of series for many years. And… Now sometimes I didn’t even remember what I did in which series. And friends like you who we call fans, remind us that you did in this film or series, this commercial also have your voice. So…I give my voice for many channels.

Raja Shah : So it means….. in all the official Ads. of Virat Kohli on TV, is yours voice?

Ankur Javeri : Right!!, Of course technically. But now Virat Sir started doing it by himself. But…. Yeah… know earlier….. Initially a cricketer…… He is camera conscious or you know and.. so they have to hire a voice artist, because Cricketer are not much comfortable with Camera. And many times recording are also defective, like background sounds or studio sounds. So that’s why they need to hire a voice artist, because they can get a good voice quality from studio setup. Cricketer and celebrities are so busy that they can’t come the studio and record. But.. yes! I am giving the voice of Virat Kohli since last 12 years, From his first commercial ad till now for many famous commercials.

Raja Shah : Hmm… Great sir!!! So today you are connected to us,. So… When I contacted, you had told that You know many such things about Dragon Ball that only a few people know. So what are that such things?? Tell us a little about those things.

Ankur Javeri : Right! So…. I want to ask you a question now! Yeah.. Because I see that you cover many different topics of Anime through your YouTube channel, Which is I really want to congratulate you for it…

Raja Shah : Thank you sir!

Ankur Javeri : …And this is how awareness will keep creating, Then the awareness of Anime which we want make popular will spread. Because the bandwidth or reach of Cartoons is already is so huge in India. But the Segment Anime was like……. We were dubbing till 2010-2012, But after that or even today a very few Anime were remained popular and being dubbed in India. So we and many people like youtuber, Whixer brother and You too are trying to make it popular. So… You know.. Who knows to you guys to that you all are trying. And… a very interested fact which I came across Because I also was reading in Quora etc…. And friends like you were saying that, ‘sir why not you read, check this or do this video Did you remember this thing of Goku, Majin Boo etc. So this is how I came across to a fact that everyone will love, So firstly I want to ask you a question that, Who created Dragon Ball?

Raja Shah : Yes! So…. Akira Toriyama created Dragon ball, he lives in Japan.

Ankur Javeri : Correct! Correct! He took this series to such a legendary level. Right!! Do you know? from which series or character he had got inspired to create and write the characters of Dragon Ball?

Raja Shah : Yeah!! I have made two videos on Dragon Ball, So in the first video I have explained well that There are 4 much popular classical literatures in China, One of those is “The Journey to the west” So… inspiring highly from it, Akira Toriyama created all the Characters of Dragon Ball.

Ankur Javeri : Absolutely, Absolutely right!!! So… now….. The main character of the Journey to West is “The Monkey King”, is actually a monkey and initially also If you know, Goku has a tail when he was a little baby. So.. Mr. Toriyama was very inspired from The Monkey King. And a fact which I came across just recently is that The entire series of Monkey King was used to telecast on Nickelodeon channel in India.

Raja Shah : Yeah… So… Many people don’t even know that “The Monkey King” was a series. Many people just like me watched direct movie of it. I haven’t watched its series but movie. So.. it was used to air on Nicklodean.

Ankur Javeri : Yes! It was used to air on Nickelodeon. And as you all know Dragon Ball was used to telecast on CN or Cartoon Network. Yeah…. So correlation is that Akira Toriyama also was inspired By The Monkey King character and he wrote Dragon Ball. And co-incidentally in India, the voice to Money King and Goku of Dragon Ball Both is dubbed in Hindi by same person and he is now in front of of you.

Raja Shah : Ohhh…. Amazing!!!!!

Ankur Javeri : Hahahah….. And another connection is that The dubbing production or writing, adaptation, and all of Monkey King or journey to the west is translated and written by a lady in a production house ‘Mayukhi’. And she is the same writer co-incidently who has written All the dialogues of Dragon Ball in hindi. And her name is ‘Anju Jamval’. So it is just a super coincidence of you know, all of these.

Raja Shah : Heheheh!!! Really it’s a super coincidence… So Anju Jamwal has wrote that??

Ankur Javeri : Yes! I called her just 2 days ago And I made her understand this correlation, And Dragon Ball series is much closer to her heart too Because she wrote all the episodes and 13 films of it. So when I told her that, do you know that I used to dub Monkey King for your own production? So she said, yes of course! I remember. So.. I said it a super correlation that you wrote both and co-incidently I dubbed both. Even we did this for two separate channels and they are linked with Akira Toriyama also.

Raja Shah : Yeah… Its a big connection. So here….

Ankur Javeri : And this reveal is happening for the first time on your channel. Hahahaha…

Raja Shah : Yeah! Right obviously!! So thank you so much for this like first time. Literally no body would known this thing. So now they will wonder when they will know about it. The fans of Dragon Ball, Monkey King, Goku and Akira Toriyama, Will definitely be happy knowing this connection.

Ankur Javeri : Right!!!

Raja Shah : Just recently I came to know a fact which I didn’t told in my video is that His name is SUN WUKONG in Journey to the West,

“SON WUKONG” okay? SUN GOKU is formed playing off “SON WUKONG”, But how? I tell you that this thing Like in that was S,O,N and here is ‘SUN’ GOKU. So They formed SUN like this and after this So if we look at the WUKONG like W,U,K,O,N,G. So if we read this WOKUNG from reverse, it will be G,N,O,K,U,W So they eliminated N and W from and it, and it became GOKU. So like this…… When I came to know this, I enjoyed it.

Ankur Javeri : Wow…… Wow..

Raja Shah : I didn’t tell this in last video because I didn’t know this then, I came to know this recently.

Ankur Javeri : Even I didn’t know this this. I am feeling joy knowing this. Right!!! So…. Amazing amazing…. So like this these all….. There are many more facts which we don’t know. And because of YouTubers like you.. you know You work hard in researching such facts. You know…as I just said the dedicated YouTubers for Dragon Ball, They also keep updating themselves through twitter handles, international channels And they keep providing. Like this All of you keep updating our listeners through your channel by collecting data, It is like kudos to you all man! Amazing

Raja Shah : We try to make Animation industry popular because it is just started. As if we see, we can say animation is started in India in last 10 years. Okay? In Japan, It has been 50 or more than 50 years in years. So have developed it quite much But at this time, Our country is at developing stage in the field of Animation. So a lot of new things are yet to come. Even many creators are in touch with me, some of them are from Mumbai, Pune etc. So they says that they are inspired from Anime and creating some things like Anime.

So 2 or 3 of them are such type, although they are much older to me I intracted them, they told me that they are working on some Anime projects For example… you might have seen, There’s a series “Sochu” So… Sochu’s owner, he is making a cartoon series Sochu. I had an interview with Sochu’s owner. Also other creators are making other anime series inspiring from a popular Studio “Ghibli” in Japan. So it’s a obvious thing that you will see Animation industry to a next height in upcoming 5-10years

Ankur Javeri : Yes! Yes! We are in a very interesting phase, you know.. So Anime or all this Animation things is going to so much in India. And there’s the high demand for it in India. So… Some other YouTubers also tried to make some Animations and dubbed too based on some Mangas or comics And that also got much popular. Many voice artist were involved it and you know.. They helped a lot in creating awareness and growing this Anime fraternity.

Raja Shah : Hmmm…. Amazing sir!! So recently you mentioned Anju Jamval madam, So recently I read that the entire production of “SQEED GAME” is done by her studio.

Ankur Javeri : Absolutely!! When I contacted her 2 days ago and discussed about it She said that normally she recieves original dialogues. But… There were many translations missing of SQUID GAME, So she had to understand, translate, transcreate those missing dialogues. And then she did the adaption of it. So something what happens is that the writing of 10-11 years ago is quite different from the today’s writing, as it has been about a decade. So you can understand, the team of Anju Jamwal. She has a partner Pinki, so Pinki & Anju run this ‘Mayokhi’ production house. So they had to see to it that… I think it was released on Netflix and it become the No. 1 show. So our Indian writers and voice artist work very hard to take it to such level.

As… You said in starting… Many people don’t know much about this industry because we are behind the screen So you doing much good that taking us to the front and interacting with people So that people may know that actually how much we work hard and how many people works in this industry

Raja Shah : Hmm.. awareness is important thing because people are not aware If they are aware they might aware of all these things

Ankur Javeri : Also I will add here one thing that we also are very shy natured Because we working from 20-30 years and we have got used to it that Its okay! You know.. we run one studio to another And.. as far as popularity is concerned, social media is concerned, We were not much familiar to it. But now with the time we are coming front to the camera, giving interviews And so this thing is growing much in India.

Raja Shah : Yes sir! This will grow much more even I am going to grow it much more through my channel

Ankur Javeri : .Yes! Definately you should be and you are doing a fantastic job Because you are not just catering to one perticular Anime, You cover many different types of Animes, And it would take you a lot of time to do research for each one.

Raja Shah : Yes! It takes too much time, it takes 2-3 weaks for one video. And… research thing is very critical thing, But research is very important also because There are many creators today and anyone can make video, But one thing is quality and another is quantity So I don’t want quantity, I want quality as video will remain available forever on YouTube So the viewer may can get the value from the video.

So yeah the main motto of this video was to know the fact And we get the fact. So ….. As conclusion we can say, Dragon Ball is related directly with Monkey King Also it is related indirectly with its Hindi writers and Hindi voice dubbing artists. So this is the conclusion of this conversation. And thank you so much that you shared these things

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