Zatchbell Documentary : Everything You Need To Know – The Last Episode!
Zatchbell Documentary : Everything You Need To Know : Sonic Nicklodean, in this channel I found a show In my childhood, just after watching 1 episode I used to wait for another day. The show was : Idaten Jump. I get goosebumps after reading it’s name Idaten By Sho Yamato, Kakeru, Makoto. Really, Idaten jump was my first proper serialized Anime which had a beginning, middle and end.
Zatchbell Documentary
Plus, I completed it two times on TV. Memories – Childhood Memories. Sonic India featured so many anime shows which had some quality content. One of those shows was : Zetch Bell. To be honest, I couldn’t watch it on TV because I didn’t even know this show existed. But due to all of your Zetch Bell video and blog request I started watching it online. And boss, I’m addicted, for real.
Addiction Level : I completed it in a month even in my busy schedule. And if you haven’t watched this show, boss, just try for once. Don’t worry, we’ll get you it’s featuring platform. Plus, you’ll get to know ZetchBell’s A-Z story. Who made it and when and absolutely, what happened in it’s last episode. So without wasting tijme, let’s get started to know something exciting.
Konjiki no Gashi Beru – Zatchbell
Konjiki no Gashi Beru – Zatchbell in English Is a Manga-turned Anime series created by Makoto Raiku. The story revolves around Modern Earth. Parallel to Modern Earth, exists Mamodo World from where 100 Mamodos are sent to Earth every year. Here, Mamodo means Demon/Monster. Mamodos are mystical demon creaturespossessing super natural powers.
They are sent to Earth to compete each other. After fighting each other 1/100 winning Mamodo is the new Mamodo King. Zatch is one of those Mamodos who wants to win & become a Kind King. Yeah Kind King, so he can stop all these battles permanently. Because obviously, unwilling Mamodo is made to fight so that they can return to their world.
Zatch wants to stop this by becoming a Kind King. For which he has to defeat all 99 Mamodos. Landing on Earth, every Mamodo has a Spell Book. The Book has their powers sealed in the form of spells. The spells can only be read by Mamodo’s human partner. The partner is chosen by Mamodo as a ‘owner‘. Converting their emotions to energy source whenever the human partner reads the spells, the Mamodo releases some powers with the help of which he fights other Mamodos.
Zatch’s Human partner is a School boy Kiyo. These are the main characters. These two fight legendary battles so do they make us laugh. Not only these two, but this whole show Is based mainly on Adventure and Funny Genre. Be it Zatch, Kiyo, Suzy, Folgore a horse-type dog, or this duck. All these made us laugh to a great extent.
This show may look like Pokemon. But Naah, this show is above Pokemon in one thing which is : Having an End. Pokemon has a beginning but no end. I think it won’t have it either as Pokemon Franchise has to earn their living. But Zatch Bell had a fixed ending. Tournament of 100, Winner will be a King, End. I personally like a show’s ending rather than their endless episodes.
Well everyone has a choice maybe you have a different choice. Okay, who made Zatch Bell and how? Let’s find this out.
Zatch Bell :The Back Story
There is the world, & there is the Asia. Aisa has the country having 3000+ islands : Japan The Land of Rising Sun. Japan has 4 main islands Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku & Kyushu. The country can also be divided into 8 regions : Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu Kinki/Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku & Kyushu/ Okinawa.

Fun Fact : 5/7 regions of Pokemon Universe actually exist in Japan : Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh & Sevil Islands. These 4 islands are divided into 47 Prefectures .Just like India’s 28 States. Out of 47 Prefectures, in Gifu Prefecture was born the creator of Zatch Bell Makoto Kawada popularly known buy his pen name : Makoto Raiku.
Makoto started his career as a Manga Artist. In the beginning he worked as an Assistqant Manga Artist. Later, he published his stories as a Manga In Shogakukan Weekly Shonen Sunday Magazine. He created some One Shot Mangas too. But in 1999, he created his first Manga Series : New Town Heroes. Published on Shonen Sunday Super Magazine.
Here’s a Quick Fact : Shonen Sunday Super is a Special Magazine that features upcoming Manga Artists whose works are awesome. Finally in year 2001 ,Makoto Raiku debuted in Manga Industry with his most popular Manga : Zatch Bell.
The Story of Zatch Bell’s Creation
After completing Shonen Sunday Super Manga Series Makoto checked his old drafts to get an idea for his new Manga. The first idea he came across was a warrior who saves people from his foes with his giant sword. He worked for 3-4 months on this concept. But later, this idea became trash.

Leaving this, Makoto worked on his second idea. Idea : A middle school student who gets an old toy one day which produces a Knight, With this Knight, this school student fights evil. As written here, this is the first time Zatch and Kiyo are shown. When Makoto told this second idea to his agent who advised : Use a cuter character to fight.
After this one line : Zatch came into existence. After this advice, firstly Makoto changed this demon’s eyes to cute eyes. Later the whole character became cute. This new Zatch was remaked 6 times.

In the first Zatch design, eyes are same, but dress and hair are totally different. Second Zatch : Dress changed. Third Time : Hair were drawn wild somewhat good, but not our Zatch. Fourth Time : Guess what? This is not our Zatch. Fifth Time : Looks like our Zatch but not him, as his hair are too long while our Zatch has short hair. Yes Sixth Time : This is him.

Similarly, Kiyo was made a quiet character. Then, Wild Haired Typical Shonen Protagonist. Lastly : Our Kiyo – Not too quiet not too wild.

And Suzume, this is her first character draft, adjusted to this final design. In short, after so much struggle. After a month, Makoto Raiku made Final Zatch Bell after which his agent said : This is it.
10 Jan 2001, Konjiki no Gash Beru Zatch Bell in English was published In a Japanese Magazine. Makoto said, he wanted to make a passionate story based on a Heart Touching Friendship. He added Mamodo, Book and Spell concepts. And used this unique thought as a Central Theme.
Anime Series proved – Makoto is successful In presenting a Heart Touching Friendship. Makoto says, Spell Book idea was inspired by A Western Magical Story.The story he never revealed.
Fun Fact : Almost every spell of Zatch is related to lightening. This is because, ‘Raiku’ in Makoto Raiku means Lightening. Initially on his name’s meaning. He decided all the powers of Zatch.

This is Makoto’s Studio more than his house where he created all his Manga Series. Raiku himself said, most of his works were made on restaurants rather than studios. Yes, he storyboarded his manga mostly in restaurants. Reason? He said himself Restaurants had less distraction. And there are only some people whose behaviour give some inspiratons. In studio, Internet & games are distractions.
Raiku says, he storyboarded every chapter of Zatch Bell in 2 days. When his editor approved his storyboard, he completed the whole chapter with his four assistants. So they get published in Sunday Magazine. When deadlines were too tight. He used to call his fifth assistant in the studio. Well, in 2016, he sold this house and started his company – Birgdin Board.

With a new location after Zatch Bell, his Manga Series Animal Land was popular too. But it didn’t get its Anime Series. After making many Manga Series, year 2018, He added bonus chapters in his Zatch Bell’s old Manga and sold them in Ebook stores. Online Bonus chapters were named Zatch Cafe. After 20 years of Zatch Bell’s release In 2022, happened what people never thought.
Yes, 26 Feb 2022 on his Official Twitter Account Makoto Raiku announced Zatch Bell’s Sequel Manga which was digitally released on 14th March 2022 .Interestingly, The first issue is free to read. You can read it legally online only if you know Japanese. Because mangas are released in English by Viz Media Co.
If this Company buys rights of Zatch Bell, then great, or you can read it in Japanese. It’s trailer proves, Zatch Bell 2’s story will be next level, much more darker & magicall. Its Anime Series is being waited by me, I mean all the Zatch Bell fans. Also Zatch Bell’s Manga Series was originally published from 2001-2007 and Anime Series, 2003-2006.
But after Japan, Zatch Bell was released In many different countries in different years Let’s know when and how it came to India.
Zatch Bell in india
Viz Media is American Manga Publisher, Anime Distributor & Entertainment Company. Year 2005, Viz Media purchased the license of Koniji no Gash Beru’s English Language which they named Zatch Bell in English. Zatch Bell has Total 13 Volumes but Viz Media only released 25 of them. Year 2009, remaining Volumes were cancelled without translation after which, its later chapters were leaked in Fan Made English Translation.
Toei Animation animated Zatch Bell. And if you don’t know, its the same company that animated Sally the Witch, Dr. Slump, Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, Yu Gi Oh , One Piece, Digimon, etc. Well, in 2005, Viz Media purchased the license of Zatch Bell’s English Release. Year 2013-2015, Zatch Bell was broadcast In Sonic Nick in Hindi Dubbed.

Zatch Bell has 150 episodes, but it wasn’t dubbed in Hindi after 118 episodes. And its broadcast was discontinued by Sonic Nick. The reason of this is known only by Sonic Channel. Well, Kiyo was dubbed by Rajesh Shukla. Zatch was dubbed by Pooja Punjabi in Hindi. If you want to watch this show in Hindi, you can join my Telegram Channel.

Ahh… know this before watching After 118 episodes, English Subtitles are the only choice. And those who don’t want to know its ending, they can skip this part through time stamps. Because we are going to discuss it.
The Last Episode of Zatch Bell
In Episode 150, Zatch defeats his twin brother Zeno. Only 2 of 100 Mamodo’s are left on Earth : Zatch & Brago. Episode ends in their last fight. Means Anime doesn’t reveal who won. But Manga reveals the same that Zatch wins the final fight. They both return to Mamodo World. The new King of which is Zatch. After one month, Kiyo Maru gets Zatch’s letter along with every one else who were part of their demons.

Zatch wrote, Demon World is at peace and I gave all the souls of the demons their bodies back. Last page has Kiyo, who says Zatch, we’ll meet again. Besides Anime, Zatch Bell has 2 movies. Overall if you haven’t watched this anime watching it in free time will be worth it. Join our Discord Server.
For any queries related to this article, Direct message me on Instagram – @Animation_Vibes. Plus this Playlist features Short Documentaries of Childhood Shows made Specially for you all. So watch it and share this article with friends. For more articles, Click Here. Till then, This is Raja Signing Off.