Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued – Full Case Study

Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued

This article is about Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued. If you want to know about Kid Vs Kat Documentary, Click Here.

When you’ll search Lucky man on Google many results will pop up like Lucky Man, A Lucky Man, Lucky Man, O Lucky Man. But these results don’t matter as our Lucky Man is this one Tottemo Lucky Man.

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And today in this post we’ll talk about our Lucky Man from creation story to its closure. But before that, if you don’t know that a show named Lucky Man existed in Indian Kids Channel, then don’t worry. We’ll tell you the story of Lucky Man show too.

Lucky Man - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued
Lucky Man – Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued

Like every other show, the first episode of Lucky Man shows how a main character transforms from a normal human to Lucky Man. This is Choonah, the main character. Well this name is used in Indian version as dubbed episodes. Originally, the main character’s name is Yoichi who is a 12-13 year old school student.

Yoichi Tsuitenai - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued

Now, the concept of the show is Yoichi is Japan’s most unlucky person as he always gets stucked in problems. Because of which his parents regularly try some sorceries so that their son, Yoichi, transforms from unlucky to lucky. The sorceries would be like – With this you’ll be lucky, and never be called unlucky. So how does this unlucky boy become Lucky Man, let’s hear this story.

Original Lucky Man - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued
Original Lucky Man

So this is main Lucky Man who fights evil while travelling the universe. One day, this original Lucky Man was fighting this alien. During this battle, his UFO falls on Planet Earth. Now guess on who does this UFO fall? Correct, Japan’s unlluckiest kid Yoichi. After which his soul comes out of his body means he’s dead. And here comes the main Lucky Man to save Mio Chan he gives Yoichi a vessel of pills.

Lucky Man Soul - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued
Lucky Man Soul

Yoichi eats one pill form it, and becomes Lucky Man. Lucky Man doesn’t have any special powers but in his battles with enemies, he always wins with his luck. Yes, even if he has some powers, these powers work super slow. Example – Lucky Punch, Lucky Kick, etc. These are so slow that the targetted person can tackle even with a turtle’s speed. But if it is not tackled, then these punches and kicks are so powerful that a person breaks apart.

Lucky Man powers - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued
Lucky Man powers – Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued

Fun Fact – Lucky Man is lucky only till he ate lucky pills, and the sky is totally clear. Now why only clear sky? This is because, Lucky Man is only lucky till the Lucky Star shines. Lucky Man would say – What do you mean? To which the reply from actual Lucky Man would come like this – If the Lucky star hides behind the clouds then your luck will be finished too. You’ll be unlucky instead of being lucky and won’t experience anything good around you.

Lucky Man Superheroes - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued
Lucky Man Superheroes – Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued

Well, as the show proceeds further, many superheroes connect with Lucky Man and start saving the universe. Like, Doryoku Man, Superstar Man, etc. In short, this show is filled with science fiction, comedy and action that is loved by kids very much. So now let’s know about the origin of this show. Who made it and when?

Lucky Man – The Backstory

Hiroshi Gamo - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued

The creator of Lucky Man Hiroshi Gamo was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1962. When Hiroshi Gamo was 23-24 years old he had been working in Manga Industry actively. And I don’t have to tell you that Japanese Comics are called Manga But still I told this for the people who find it new. Hiroshi Gamo has worked in various mangas. But his most popular manga series is Tottemo Lucky Man.

Tottemo means absolutely. This is why, the name in English translates to Absolutely Lucky Man. Hiroshi Gamo wrote and illustrated this manga and also published it in Shueisha , a manga publishing company. Shueisha has a shonen manga magazine named Weekly Shonen Jump. Well shonen means a manga series that is mainly targetted for teenagers audience.

Tottemo Lucky Man - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued
Tottemo Lucky Man – Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued

So, in Weekly Shonen Jump, Tottemo Lucky Man manga was published from August 1993 to July 1997 weekly. And as you all know, millions of manga artists publish millions of manga series out of which only few get an Anime adaptation. And according to that time Tottemo Lucky Man was so lucky that it was adapted as an Anime series.

Pierrot Studio - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued
Pierrot Studio – Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued

This is the main Headquarter of Pierrot. Pierrot is an anime production studio that produced many animes like Naruto, Bleach, Tokyo Ghoul, and Osomatsu Kun. And yes the anime series of Lucky Man too is produced by Pierrot Studio. It was broadcast from April 1994 to March 1995 on Japan’s TV Tokyo Channel.

Pierrot Studio - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued
Pierrot Studio

After Lucky Man’s anime adaptation many video games were made on it. And don’t know why but Lucky Man anime series was ended even before its manga was ongoing. Due to which, the last episode of anime has injustice.

Lucky Man Videogames - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued
Lucky Man Video Games

The Last Episode of Lucky Man

The Last Battle! The Strongest Combined Power is Lucky Man’s 50th, last episode. Well before this episode many space superheroes have a battle. And in this last episode, all the good heroes defeat the main villain. If you want to know about its manga’s ending then you can know it by reading manga. It’s manga is not available on Google. So you can go to Japan and read after buying it and know the ending.

Some Interesting facts about Lucky Man

Ultra Man, you may remember this show if you remember it then know this Lucky Man was a parody of Ultra Man. Ultra Man was not just one series but Ultra Series had many Ultra Man series. The sixth of those series was named Ultra Man Taro. And by watching this series’s main characters and his five colleagues, was inspired the concept of Lucky Man and his five superheroes.

Ultraman Taro - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued
Ultraman Taro – Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued

Now this thing is observed by people as writer never mentioned about this anywhere that Tottemo Lucky Man was actually a parody of Ultra Man or not. Second interesting thing is Lucky Man and his superheroes’s mouths are opened 24 hours for 7 weeks. Do you know why? Yeah bro, it’s simple people close their mouths to prevent mosquitoes from entering into them. These people open them so that mosquitoes enter. Simple.

No, bro. The actual reason was never told by studio but there are two possibilities the open mouth can be a concept of writer or the production studio added this on their own to prevent their hard work in animation. Well the third exciting thing is the Japanese text written on Lucky Man’s costume. This is a kanji pronounced as Daikichi the literal meaning of which is great luck.

Also, Lucky Man’s have Japanese word Psycho the English meaning of which is Psycho. Well, in India this show was broadcast on Hungama TV in Hindi Dubbed. And Indian kids liked this show very much. That is why Lucky Man is more popular in India than Japan. By the way, the reason Lucky Man was ended after 50 episodes before ending manga series is not found by any official source.

Lucky Man Psycho word - Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued
Lucky Man Psycho word – Why LUCKY MAN was Discontinued

Maybe this show couldn’t perform well among Japanese audience so the production studio stopped airing it. Well whatever the reason is we all enjoyed all the 50 episodes of this show and thus today, Lucky Man is a nostalgia for us.

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