Facts About Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force – 6 Words Long Show

Facts About Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force

Wherein the happiness is, it is known now. What the Childhood was is realised now. And really friends without sense we were very honest. What those days were! When we were children. I don’t know much will you relate to it But, we will never get the life again – Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara (Famous Hindi dialogue).

This article is about – Facts About Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force. Want to know about Teen Titans Go, Click Here.

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This is not only a dialogue because when you’ll be In your 60s, you’ll understand its meaning that – Yes! We’ll never get the life again. Hello Friends !! I am ‘Raja‘- your friend and host of the website.

And To remember the childhood memories again I have brought the ‘Childhood memoriesThe Animation Series‘ which is being continued & today we are going to remember the Disney XD’s Amazing Animation Show – ‘Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go’.

Today we’ll know who created this show? How this show came in ‘India‘? And exciting & unknown facts about the show. So, without wasting time Let’s get started to know something exciting !!

Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go

The Show which used to come on ‘Disney XD’ ‘Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go’ was really an amazing show! & according to me – Cartoon Network’s ‘Teen Titans Go’ show was very similar to it. And why was it so? There’s a reason too. The creator of the Show is ‘Ciro Nelie‘ & if you don’t know, let me tell you that he was one of the directors of the show.

Ciro Nelie - Facts About Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force - By Animation Vibes
Ciro Nelie – Facts About Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force – By Animation Vibes

Being inspired by the show ‘Teen Titans Go‘ he created ‘Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go‘. Listen a Fun factSuper Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go‘ is an ‘American‘ as well as ‘Japanese‘ Show because its Creators, Director & Distributer are all Americans but its Animation is created in a Japanese studio by ‘The Answer Studio‘.

That’s why this show is both American & Japanese. Due to this, while watching this show it feels like watching Anime. Bro! I feel like this, don’t know about you. Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go’ Hmm… Really a big name. That’s why Its acronym is also used. which is ‘SRMTHFG‘.

Take some Knowledge for free. When the first letters of all words of a sentence are taken and a small word is made. Then, It’s called an ‘Acronym‘. And In simple terms, any sentence’s short form is called ‘Acronym’. Whose opposite word is ‘Full form‘.

Listen one more Fun fact. When there is any existing Acronym if you create your Self made Sentence i.e. which is created by You. Then, It is called ‘Backronym‘. For example – TVS is a Motorcycle company, whose full form is ‘Thirukkurungudi Vengram Sundram‘. Which is the name of the owner of ‘TVS’ company.

But, in my school students had made their own full form They used to say- TVS means ‘Takla Very Smart‘ You must have also created backronyms like this and if you have, then, friends! Tell us in comments.


Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go‘ was made in 2004 & aired on JETIX channel. And the biggest secret is that ‘SRMTHFG‘ was the first show on the JETIX channel, which was premiered worldwide. Afterwards channel name was renamed as ‘TOON DISNEY‘ And in 2009, it was renamed as ‘DISNEY XD‘. In 2019, it was again renamed as ‘MARVEL HQ‘.

Jetix to Marvel HQ - Facts About Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force - By Animation Vibes
Jetix to Marvel HQ – Facts About Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force – By Animation Vibes

Let me tell you the story of ‘SRMTHFG’ too, because I know that you must know only incomplete Title of it like me i.e. Super Monkey Team. Knowing about story is far ahead.


This is the story of a fictional city named ‘SHUGGAZOOM‘. which is situated on a fictional planet. The main character of the story is ‘Chiro‘ who got a super robot while wandering out of the city. which can be operated by a team of super monkeys. Chiro was made as leader of the team whose work was to protect the city from Skeleton king who is the main villain of the show.

All the five Robot monkeys together make a team ‘Super Robot Monkey Team‘, whose names are Antauri-Black Monkey, Sparx-Red Monkey Gibson – Blue Monkey, Nova – Yellow Monkey, Otto – Green Monkey.


As I told you,originally from 18 September 2004, SRMTHFG’s broadcasting was started in America on the JETIX. That was shown till 16 December 2006. Afterwards this show was broadcasted on TOON DISNEY. Till 2009, It was a spin-off channel of Disney Channel which was renamed as ‘DISNEY XD‘. A fun fact is that this series was made for the White screen.

But in America, due to Network Restrictions it was cropped from 16:9 to broadcast it into 2:3. And in India, it was aired around 2011. DISNEY would’ve not made its Season 5 because the Merchandise’s Sales were very less & they weren’t getting Profits also. So, after creating the last episode with suspense they left it.

It means future SUPER ROBOT MONKEY TEAM HYPER FORCE GO’s S05 can also be created. On 3 July 2020, Disney plus did an announcement which is an American OTT platform. OTT full form is ‘Over the top’ whose work is to show the Films & serials of TV directly to people through High-speed internet. And obviously, OTT platforms are not free.

For that, you have to purchase a monthly subscription too. So, On 3 July Disney+Hotstar announced that SUPER ROBOT MONKEY TEAM HYPER FORCE GO will be brought on their OTT platform & from 17 July 2020, they started streaming it. In India, Disney Plus is known as ‘Disney+Hotstar‘. If you want, you can take its subscription to watch SUPER ROBOT MONKEY TEAM HYPER FORCE GO.

Actually, in this series, there are a total of 52 episodes which is divided in 4 Seasons. Each season consists of 13 episodes. but this time it is being streamed in two seasons on Disney+hotstar, & each season consists of 26 episdes. Bro! That’s the same thing.

Hindi Dubbing Artists

So, friends, I have tried a lot to find the Hindi dubbing artists but I didn’t get anything about Hindi dubbing artists. Although, I get to know that the Yellow monkey whose name is Nova. ‘Meghna Erande’ has given her voice and she is that Super Talented Voice Artist who has given her voice in Perman to Pako/Sumire.

In addition to it, She has given her voice in Ninja Hattori to Kanzo Hattori. So friends, if still, any question is revolving in your mind. Then, you can DM me on Instagram ID – @Animation_Vibes. Till then Stay tuned !! Stay happy !!

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