Full History of Horrid Henry from a Book Series To a TV Series

Why Horrid Henry was banned in India?
According to me, there exists only one reason,
What’s the rush?
It won’t be fun to eat ready made dessert.
We will first cook it ourselves and then have it at the end.
Comedy is a genre and it has many sub-genres
Sub-genres of comedy includes Dark comedy
Insult Comedy, Sitcom, Parody
We will talk about the sub-genre of comedy genre which is sitcom genre
Now, Sitcom means “Situational Comedy”
The genre of many TV shows is based upon sitcoms
Such as “Taarak Mehta ka OOLTAH CHASHMAH”
and “Bhabhi g Ghar Par Hain” are
examples of Indian sitcom TV shows.
Basically in such genres, the roles of some characters are fixed who entertain the audience with their amusing acting. The storyline line of each episode keeps on changing but the roles are assigned to same specific characters and when such kind of shows are represented through animations then the genre of such shows is called “Animated Sitcom”.
like “Motu Patlu”, which is an Indian cartoon, comes under Animated Sitcom genre,
on which I already have created a video, which you can access by clicking Here.
and in this post, we will talk about British Children’s Animated Sitcom “Horrid Henry”
which is known as “Bas Karo Henry” in India.
so without wasting time, let’s get started to know something exciting.

The Back Story Of Horrid Henry
(The Journey From a Book Series to a TV series)
On 23 Feb 1955, the writer of Horrid Henry, Francesca Isabella Simon was born
She completed her studies at educational institutes like Jesus College and Oxford University
after which she started her career as a “journalist”
and she also wrote articles for magazines like “The Sunday times” and
“Mail On Sunday”
After the birth of her son “Joshua”,
from 1989, Francesca Simon worked as Full Time Children’s book writer
and the year “1989” proved to be a huge turning point in Francesca Simon’s life
because exact four years after 1989, in 1994
her book, “Horrid Henry” was released.
Francesca Simon wrote many books, which gained popularity among children.
Usually, children books consist of story or poem and colorful drawings, to gain the attention of children
and all the books that Francesca Simon published had to go through all the three stages
Stage 1- Writing
Stage 2- Illustration
Stage 3- Publishing

In her books, the story writing was done by Francesca Simon
Illustrations were drawn by “Tonny Ross”
and finally, the book was published by “The Orion Publishing Group”
Here comes a fun fact !!
From 1994 to 2021, each year, one storybook of “Horrid Henry” is published
As if you are watching this video in 2021
so up till now, 26 books of “Horrid Henry” have been published
and their list is shown on screen
Horrid Henry books are so popular that they have been translated
in upto 25+ langages and published in different countries
The whole series of Horrid Henry is based on the “Slice Of Life” genre
in which a self centered, pre-teen kid is featured
At the starting of the first decade of 21st century(2001-2010),
“Horrid Henry” gained so much popularity that
a British channel broadcasted an Animated TV series on “Horrid Henry”

“ITV” is from one of the oldest and largest tv networks in UK
which has ruled on almost all houses in UK
It is because it contains huge number of it’s sister channels,
like itv2, itv3, itv4, itvBe and C itv
It is due to “C itv”, that Horrid Henry is dubbed in 80+ local languages and broadcasted in multiple many countries
but Why?
because in 2006, it was “C itv” which broadcased the initial 52 episodes of Horrid Henry on tv
Horrid Henry
The TV series
“C itv” means the orignal shows of children’s itv include
“Thunderbirds”, “Mr-Bean-the animated series” , “Horrid Henry” etc
On october 2006, Horrid Henry was launched in many countries at the same time
in which Germany, France, Ireland, Iceland, Singapore, Poland, South Africa, Turkey, Korea were Included
After 2006, Horrid Henry became one of the most Successful series of C itv
and in 2009, the second season of Horrid Henry was also released on C itv
and in the mid of 2011, its 3rd season was also released
and at the end of 2014, the 4th season was also released
In 2018, C itv faced a major crisis
because “Novel Entertainment” announced that “nickelodeon UK” has acquired Horrid Henry
You got it right!!
nickelodeon UK back stabbed C itv
It was Novel Entertainment that created the animated character of Horrid Henry
and all episodes of Horrid Henry were made by Novel Entertainment as well
and C itv “JUST” used to on air those episodes
and may be nickelodeon UK offered Novel entertainment
No.. No… No..!!
Veryy Gooddd…!!
Very Very Good Money..!!!
and that is the reason why Novel Entertainment may have sold the rights of all four seasons of Horrid Henry to nickelodeon UK
Poor C itv !!
whose rights to Horrid Henry were expired in 2019
Well, then nickelodeon on aired the episodes of Horrid Henry on its sister channel “Nicktoons”
and in 2018-19, the fifth season of Horrid Henry was released on Nicktoons

Let’s talk about Netflix, which were even more clever
Exact 7 years ago from now
Netflix made a Licensing deal with Novel Entertainment to on-air all the seasons of Horrid Henry
and that is the reason why you can watch all the episodes of Horrid Henry on Netflix as well
Horid Henry
The Indian Version
On 9 April 2012, Horrid Henry was on-aired in India with Hindi dubbing on Cartoon Network, India
basically, the storyline of Horrid Henry revolves around an 11-year-old animated character, “Henry”
Henry is the only anti-hero of the entire show who is always involved in some naughty business,
he doesn’t like perfect things like “cleaning his bedroom” or “greeting with people”, etc etc
Basically, Francesca made this character after getting inspired by mischievous acts of naughty kids
so that almost all kids can relate to the story of Horrid Henry
The main characters of Horrid Henry are as follows:
Here comes a fun fact!!
The first name of each character’s name represents their “Nature”
like Horrid Henry is horrifying who horrifies all other characters that is why his first name is “Horrid”
Perfect peter is a perfect kid, that is why his first name is “Perfect”
I personally like this catchphrase of Henry very much:
and alongwith Henry, who can forget the famous dialog of Henry’s mom
Tappad Paray ga, Henry!!
After dubbing Horrid Henry in Hindi, it was released with the title “Bus Karo Henry” on Indian television
but nowadays Cartoon Network India has stopped broadcasting “Bus Karo Henry”

Why It Stopped In India?
You may be thinking that because of the bad behavior of Horrid Henry broadcasted in the series,
Some parents may have complained and due to which Horrid Henry was banned from India
NO, that is not the reason
because the people who complained about Horrid henry were mostly from foreign countries,
like in 2017 an actor “Adam Thomas” tweeted:
that he has banned his kid from watching Horrid Henry.
There have been many controversies of Horrid Henry of “bad effect” on kids
but Francis Simon clarified her stance by saying,
whether it was TV series or book series, in the end, Henry always obeys his parents.
well, according to me, there is only one reason, why Horrid Henry was banned in India.
and that is “Localisation of INDIAN TV CHANNELS”
and I have already told you about “Localisation strategy” in these two videos.
With the time passing, CN is coming on track,
I mean it is not only broadcasting “Local Shows” but also promoting “Foreign shows as well
like CN brought back ben 10 and also brought the rights of “Tom & Jerry” again
but adding commentry into them was quite a bad idea
and after 3 years, CN also broadcasted “Anime”,
As you know, that anime was called “Super Sheero”,
which is on-aired on CN from Monday to Friday, at 2:30 PM.
So I hope, that in the future cartoon network may buy the rights to more old shows,
whether Horrid Henry comes back or not, but it is sure that
Cartoon Network India can bring in many foreign shows in India.
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