The Full History of Phineas And Ferb – How it became so popular with just 4 Seasons ?
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If you have watched
even one episode of Phineas and Ferb, in your childhood
then this video is for you
because today we will talk about
the creators of this show
which artitsts are involved in the Hindi dubbing of this show
and we will also talk about
the events that occurred in the last episode of this show
and why Disney stopped broadcasting this show
so without wasting time, let’s watch Intro and
get started to know something exciting
The Characters And The Plot Of The Show
Phineas And Ferb is
an “American Animated Musical Comedy TV Series”
If I ask “YOU” that
what were your activities during Summer Vacations
Well, you must use to wake up late in the morning
watch television all day long
play outdoor in the evening
and finally went to sleep after dinner
and next day, the cycle must had repeated
Am i right or wrong?
well, whatever your activities were!
but these two used,
from first day of their vacations till the last day,
used to work on a very big project each day
and had fun with it, after it’s completion
The main characters of this show are as follows:
Phineas, whose full name is Phineas Flynn
Ferb, whose full name is Ferb Fletcher
Candace, whose full name is Candace Flynn
Perry The Platypus and
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
and other than these,
there are also some Secondary characters in which
issabella, Baljeet, Buford, Linda Flynn Fletcher, Lawrence Fletcher, Major Monogram, Carl, Stacy, Jeremy, Vaneesa, and Fireside girls are included.

Here comes a Fun Fact!!
The name of Phineas and Candace mom’s
is Linda Flynn
and the name of Ferb’s dad
is Lawrence Fletcher,
which clearly meant that
Phineas Flynn And Ferb Fletcher are “STEP-BROTHERS”
Plot of The Show
Basically, there used to be the same
pattern in each episode of Phineas and Ferb
Like in the start of each episode
Phineas and Ferb were always shown
hanging out under a tree behind their house
and due to some incident,
a projects idea pops up in Fineas’s mind
Fineas says to Ferb,
“Oh Yes!! I have an idea!”
then out of many hidden tunnels Perry The Platypus
uses one tunnel to access his secret underground base
Here, Major Monogram refers to Perry as “Agent P”
and give him the instructions of the mission,
that whom he has to stop for the day,
which is always related to
evil acts of Dr. DoofenShmirtz

On the other hand, Candace witnesses that both boys
are working on something big, which
she wants to reveal to their mom!
In the meanwhile, Perry busts into Dr. DoofenShmirtz’s
building, where after capturing Perry in his trap,
Dr DoofenShmirtz, tells Perry, his new evil plan
In the end, Perry frees himself from that trap
and stops Dr. DoofenShmirtz’s plan

On the otherside, Phineas and Ferb
complete their project and
in the end, due to Dr. DoofenShmirtz’s gadgets,
the project of Phineas and Ferb disappears and
as soon as Candace brings their mom,
everything clears out as if there
was nothing in the first place
and in the last Dr. DoofenShmirtz curses Perry
May God destroy you.. Perry!!
The First And The Last Episode of Phineas And Ferb
Well, what I explained to you earlier
was the first episode of Phineas and Ferb,
in which both of them
build a rollercoaster together
There are a total of four seasons of Phineas and Ferb
in which 129 episodes are included
Season 1, constains 26 episodes,
Season 2, constains 38 episodes,
Season 3, constains 35 episodes
Season 4, constains 30 episodes,
The name of last episode of
Phineas and Ferbs is “Last day of summer”
in which both brothers, invent their final
biggest project
which looks like this,

to have fun,
consists “EVERYTHING” you can think of
I personally love this episode as the
concept of “Time Travelling” is also
used in this episode.
Well, before the last episode, came out an episode
in which adult selves of Phineas and Ferb was shown
You can also watch this episode to
discover more about their adulthood activities
The Back Story of Phineas & Ferb
Dan Povenmire and Jeff āSwampyā Marsh made
“Phineas and Ferb” together.

Now, before further diving in,
you need to know that
what is “Butcher Paper”?
Butcher means “Slaughterman”
which means someone, who sells
the meats after slicing it into pieces
so back in the day, butchers used to wrap the
meat slices into a hard paper,
which was called, “Butcher Paper”
and that same “Butcher Paper”
is used in other everyday tasks nowadays
like in packing stuff and
for wrapping the books
Perhaps, you may also have used the
same paper to cover your books
If you have done it, then tell me in the comments
Well, now let’s get back to point
Povenmire and Marsh were both good friends
and they decided to start their own bussiness
in animation field and both
of them worked together in creating
some famous animation projects
like “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”,
“The Simpsons”,
“Rocko’s Modern Life” etc
One day, Povenmire went for dinner
in Wild Thyme, Los Angeles
and while sitting there,
on a butcherpaper, placed on table
he drew a kid, using triangular shape
and after seeing that drawing, he
came up with a “Fantastic Idea”

He quickly snapped that butcher paper
and told Marsh that:
“Hey, I think I have a show of our own”
and they used multiple geometrical shapes
to design new characters
and that night Povenmire also said that
this character looks like Phineas and
one of his friends named Ferb,
had more tools than anoyone in entire World
or maybe it was only Povenmire’s point of view
So, the decision to call one character Phineas and the other character Ferb
was made.
Till this point, everything was going fine
the real struggle started
when no TV channel agreed on sponsoring their show
Both of them, alongwith their concept,
went to niclodeon, then
Fox Kids and
then to Cartoon Network
but all of them denied buying their show
Povenmire had been working for nickelodeon for years
He also created the
animation of “Spongy Bob Square Pants”
but whenever,
he talked to nicklodeon about his project,
they clearly denied to own it
For 16 years,
Povenmire, with his portfolio
went from one place to another
and atlast
appreciated his concept
and gave his idea a chance
but too, asked him
to make one piot episode
After which, he made one 11 minute episode
which for the first time,
on 17 August 2007, as pilot episode, was on-aired on
Well, you must be thinking that
“What is meant by Pilot Episode?”
In America, whenever, someone brings
their concept to sell to a TV channel
and the chances of success of that concept is very low
then, to test that concept, that TV network,
asks the seller to make one episode to
on-air on TV channel
If the show gets good response, then
it continues to on-air on TV channel
and then the pilot episode converts to be the
first episode of that show and
and yes, Phineas and Ferb went
through the same process and
Finally, from Feb 2008 to June 2015,
this show was broadcasted on continuously
Special Episodes Or Movies

Phineas And Ferb : Across the 2nd Dimension movie
was released, which I had watched on TV
and till today, I remember each of its scene,
which was a “Mind-Blowing” movie
On 16th Aug, 2013
Phineas And Ferb: Mission Marvel movie
came out, in which the cross-over of
“Marvel Heros” and “Phineas And Ferb” was shown
after that, on 9th Nov, 2015,
a special episode named “O.W.C.A. FILES”,
was broadcasted on TV
After “The Last Day Of Summer”,
“O.W.C.A. FILES”, was created, in which the
story of “O.W.C.A” is disclosed
O.W.C.A is the abreviation of
“Organization Without A Cool Acronym”
Basically, This episode is based
on “Agent P” and some of his other friends
who stop to evil people from bad deeds
You must watch this episode,
you will have so much fun
On 5th Jan, 2019
The Phineas & Ferb Effect was released,which
you can also say, was a Special Episode
in which, the crossover with Milo Morfhis
is shown and last year,
On Aug, 2020, a movie
“Candice Against The Universe” was released
in which, Aliens kidnapped Candice and
took her on their planet and
Phineas And Ferb go to rescue their sister
As you can see,
even after the last episode of Phineas and Ferb,
Many movies have been made
which clearly means that in future,
its more parts will also be released
but more new episodes won’t be made
and I will also tell you its reason
Why Disney Stopped Producing this Show ?
In 2015, when the last episode of Phineas and Ferb
was broadcasted then the creators
of this show said that:
Many people came up with different animations,
and stretch them to one, two or many seasons
because they do not want to “End” their series
which is a “FACT” that
There are very few Animations which has a Finale
that is why, we are glad that
we’re from one of the very few people
who are doing the Finale of their show
and what the co-creator of Phineas And Ferb
Marsh said to was:
“In animation World — it’s just so rare that
a show actually gets to do a finale”,
Which is why we feel so honoured and privileged
that allowed us to do this”
and in this way,
kids of different generations will be
able to watch the same episodes, that once
their parents or grandparents used to watch
which must be the very reason of the
creators of the show to “discontinue” it
As this show has been discontinued, but it will
continue to re-broadcast on TV after certain period
Still, if you want to ask anything related to this
video, send me a direct message on my
share this article with your friends
so I keep on writing such posts
till then, Stay tuned, stay happy